Ilustración para una nota referente a la prostitución infantil. / Lápiz sanguina, lápiz sepia dunkel 263, pasteles, lápices de colores, grafito, difumino y témpera sobre papel madera.
You are a madman!, but a really good one.. Nearly every day you update and the art, concepts & traditional work on this blog is amazingly well done. Cheers and all the best.
3 comentarios:
You are a madman!, but a really good one.. Nearly every day you update and the art, concepts & traditional work on this blog is amazingly well done. Cheers and all the best.
not every day, but week atleast ;)
Me gustan mucho los tonos delicados de este dibujo... sinceramente acompañas muy bien el dibujo, con tu manera de pintarlos...
Saludos !!
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